Provides the Bank complete and real time internal financial control and cyclical market data

Our Strategy

The Planus insights platform provides Bank analysts, forecasters and executive management a single source information resource to detect and analyze the Italian Banking industry’s financial and marketing trends.

The Structure

The Planus Platform is deliverable as either SaaS (Software as a Service) or as a local Bank deployment. In the SaaS solution, Bank specific and Banking industry data is processed by Planus and available 24/7 via the internet. For local deployments, Bank data is processed and stored at the respective Bank IT center while the Banking industry system data is updated via internet.

The Data Sources

Data is provided by the “Matrici di Vigilanza” regulatory filing, Italian Central Bank, public database BDS (Statistical Data Base) and ECB data warehouse. The client Bank is not required to prepare any additional input data for the Planus Platform reporting purposes. 

The Experience

Planus Banking Analysts have over twenty years of specific experience in this field with more than 40 Italian Banks and Banking Groups using the Platform.

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